To Find The Sum Of Two Digits
To Find The Sum Of Two Digit
#include<stdio.h> /*tells compiler to include std input output file.*/
#include<conio.h>/*tells compilers to provide console input/output*/
void main()
int x, y, s;
clrscr(); /*it clear the screen*/
printf("Enter x and y \n"); /* it prints Enter x and y in new line*/
scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); /*It takes input from user and addresses corresponding to x and y*/
s = x + y; /*It operates the sum of two digits x and y*/
printf("Sum of entered numbers =%d\n",s); /*It prints the sum of two entered number in new line*/
s = x + y; /*It operates the sum of two digits x and y*/
printf("Sum of entered numbers =%d\n",s); /*It prints the sum of two entered number in new line*/
getch(); /* return the value zero to OS*/
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