To Enter Two Numbers And Swap Their Values
To Enter Two Numbers And Swap Their Values
#include<stdio.h> /*tells compiler to include std input output file.*/
#include<conio.h>/*tells compilers to provide console input/output*/
void main()
int x, y, temp; /*declaring 2 variables and temporary variable*/
clrscr(); /*it clear the screen*/
printf("Enter the value of x and y \n"); /*prints Enter the value of x and y in new line*/
scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); /*It takes input from user and addresses corresponding to x & y*/
printf("Before swapping\nx=%d\ny=%d",x,y); /*Display unswapped value in new line*/
temp = x; /*stores value from x to temp*/
x = y; /*stores value from y to x*/
y = temp; /*stores value from temp to y*/
/*using temp to swap storing x to temp and y to x then moving temp to y*/
printf("After swapping\nx =%d\ny = %d\n",x,y); /*It prints the value after swapping */
getch(); /* return the value zero to OS*/
The Final Output is:
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