C Programs Source Code
To Be Familiarize With Simple Input/ Output and Operators In C
To Be Familiarize With Control Structures ( If Else )
- WAP to display "It is my first program".
- WAP to enter values for 3 different types of variables & display them
- WAP to enter 3 sides of a triangle & display its Area
- WAP to display the equivalent upper case letter when lowercase is entered
- WAP to enter two integer numbers and swap the values of two number
- WAP to enter the marks of 3 subjects and display the average marks obtained
- WAP to enter time in seconds and display its equivalent hour, minutes and seconds
- WAP to input an integer number and check whether it is even or odd. if even then display its square and cube but display only its cube if it is odd.
- WAP to enter an integer number and test whether it is exactly divisible by 3 but not by 5. Display other message like " It is not required number " if not divisible by any and "It is divisible by both " if divisible by both
- WAP to to input an age of a person and check whether a person is child , teenager or young.
- WAP to find all the roots of a quadratic equation.
- WAP to find profit or loss and their percentage when the cost price and selling price is entered through the keyboard.
- WAP to enter a character and check whether it is uppercase or lowercase.
- WAP to check the whether the 3 digit number you entered is palindrome or not.
- WAP to find the largest among 3 numbers you entered ( use nested if else )
- WAP to check in whether the year is leap year or not.
- WAP to find all the roots of a quadratic equation using switch statement.
- WAP to display the 12 months names according to numbers you entered.
- WAP to enter one of +, - , *, / operator and other two integer operands and display the result.
- WAP to display the ASCII value of all letters from A to Z.
- WAP to print " SEC " 10 times in each new lines.
- WAP to find the sum of first 5 natural numbers.
- WAP to count only positive numbers out of 10 integers no you entered.
- WAP to find the power of any given number.
- WAP to enter the numbers until the user enters 5 positive numbers and find the average.
- WAP to print the Fibonacci series up to n terms.
- WAP to enter a number until you take 5 numbers and find the largest among them.
- WAP to print the sum of following series . ( sum=1,2,5,10,17......n terms)
- WAP to find the sum of ( sum=1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+...............)
- WAP to find the sum of (sum=1^2+2^2/3,2^2+3^2/4,3^2+4^2/5,............)
- WAP to display Fibonacci Series until the last term is less than 34.
- WAP to enter the marks of 3 subjects for each students and find the highest total marks out of 3 students.
- WAP to display all the Armstrong Numbers from 100 to 1000 and display total no of it.
- WAP to display all the Primes Numbers between 10 to 100.
- WAP to find sum (sum=1+x^2/2!-x^4/4!+.....to n terms)
- WAP to find sum ( sum=x-x^3/3!+x^5/5!-..................)
- WAP to print following patterns:
* ******* *
** * * ***
*** ******* *****
- WAP to find the largest number among three numbers using user defined function.
- WAP to read values for x and n . Evaluate Y= x^n.
- WAP which ask two operands and a operator, passes them to a function, performs the corresponding operations and returns the result to calling function.
- WAP to display whether the number is palindrome or not using function.
- WAP to generate a series 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21.....up to n terms using a function.
- WAP to print all the primes numbers between the two initial and final ranges.
- WAP to print "Sagarmatha Engineering College" ten times using recursive function.
- WAP to print factorial of any number using recursive function.
- WAP to print the value of Y=x^n using recursive function.
- WAP to print the value of HCF of Two numbers using recursive function.
- WAP to print the sum of (sum = 1^2-2^2+3^2-4^2+.........)
- WAP to enter 5 elements in an array and display sum of all elements.
- WAP to enter 10 elements in an array and find the largest and smallest.
To Be Familiarize With Storage Class and 2D Array
To Be Familiarize With the Strings
To Be Familiarize With Structures
To Be Familiarize With Data Files in C
- WAP to show concept of global variables
- WAP to show concept of static variables
- WAP to find the sum of all the diagonals elements of 3*3 matrix you entered
- WAP to find the transpose of 3*3 matrix you entered
- WAP to enter elements in a 2D 3*3 matrix and check the multiplication can be done or not
- WAP to find the product of two Matrices. Check whether the multiplication can be done or not.
To Be Familiarize With the Strings
- WAP to display the length of a string using a user-defined function
- WAP to concatenate two strings using a user-defined function
- WAP to display a string in reverse order using the concept of pointer
- WAP to count total number of vowels in a string entered by a user
- WAP to enter names of 4 students and display whether any name entered is available or not in the list
- WAP to display the names of 5 students in ascending order using the concept of pointer
To Be Familiarize With Structures
- WAP to create a structure Book having name, Id, price as its members. Create one variables of type Book and display its content.
- WAP to create a structure student and enter data for 5 students having name roll, marks as its data members. Display content of student having the highest marks.
- WAP to show concept of nested structure
- WAP to create structure complex and find the sum of two complex numbers using a function
- WAP to create distance structure and find sum and difference of two distance variables using a function.
To Be Familiarize With Data Files in C
- WAP to enter a sentence in a file and display its contents.
- WAP to read a file and count how many alphabets, spaces and words are there in file.
- WAP to copy the data of a file into another file and display the content of destination file
- WAP to read the information about the bie like name, lot no and cost into a file. Enter information of 4 bikes and display the total cost of all bikes.
- WAP to enter name ,age and basic salary of employees until user inputs "NO". Display record of employees from a file whose salary is less than 1000.
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